Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Set Building: the filing cabinet

Manny's office has now a filing cabinet. I had this done by a local carpenter in Cambodia who still has no clue, even with my agitated explanations, about the final purpose of what I was asking him to build.

Of course, I would have liked more details, such has metal handle, and label frames... but hey... this is an amateur project and I don't have the resource of a professional stop-mo studio, so this will have to do if I want to finish this 3 minutes project within this century.

I might paint those handle with silver paint if I find a warhammer shop selling Citadel paints...
The most important feature which I am very happy about is the fully functional sixth column of filers which opens just like in the original movie.

This is another liliputian step in this long journey, and looking at this little props puts a silly static smile on my face for this whole evening, at least.

Oh... and I did a really, really, crappy 3-second animation test shot using my new camera and DragonFrame software. Which I will shamelessly publish in this blog... just for you to realize how far I am from becoming a stop-motion animator.


  1. These props look great, brought a smile to my face too. :)

  2. Tu te rapelles les "boites" que je fesais ? sorte de maison de poupée. tu as une idée du plaisir que j'avais à les faire. C'est une construction, une projection, un sourire à chaque nouvel objet ...
    Ton meuble est génial. Je suis impressionné par chaque meuble, et par leur ressemblance.

  3. @cplenshaw: Glad you like these props. There is more to come... soon the biggest of the props for this set: Manny's computer desk. Currently being painted.

    @Caco: J'avais completement oublié! Ca me revient maintenant. Effectivement la démarche est la même...
